This is the first half decent looking app I've encountered this whole CTF!

The Application

Immediately I'm prompted with a little modal:

Feeling up to a challenge?

Can you find all of the XSS on this page? Use a keen eye and see if you can discover the following types of XSS:

  • 5 Reflective Cross Site Scripting
  • 3 Stored Cross Site Scripting
  • 2 DOM-Based Cross Site Scripting
  • 1 CSP-Bypass Cross Site Scripting
  • 1 use of XSS to leak "something"

Good luck! - zseano & HackerOne

Looks like this is the number of each type I'm trying to find. Great, how about a little scoreboard with ◯ and ⊙:

Reflective Cross Site Scripting: ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯ ◯
Stored Cross Site Scripting:     ◯ ◯ ◯
DOM-Based Cross Site Scripting:  ◯ ◯
CSP-Bypass Cross Site Scripting: ◯
Use of XSS to leak "something":  ◯